Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Tournai de Tournai

BelgiqueCathédrale Notre-Dame de Tournai


pas d'information

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1, Place de l'Evêché, 7500, Tournai, Hainaut, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 69 45 26 50
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.606492, Longitude: 3.38888

commentaires 5

  • Yanchun Yi

    Yanchun Yi


    It is under repair at this moment

  • cedric sp

    cedric sp


    SUber jolie

  • Krunoslava Gerbl

    Krunoslava Gerbl


    Impressive from outside but not from inside. Ok, cathedral is under restoration right know. Do not miss "The issue of souls in purgatory" c. 1635 by Peter Paul Rubens. Just nearby is main square with cosy cafe bars and famous Belgian beers.

  • Steven Vangeel

    Steven Vangeel


    5 stars if it's finished. Nice architecture! Cool that there is some art inside to make up for the works currently going on.

  • Michael Turtle

    Michael Turtle


    Unfortunately there's very little to see inside at the moment and probably won't be for a couple more years at least. From the outside, you can appreciate the grandeur but only a small section of the interior is open while restoration takes place. If you are in the city, it's worth going to see, but it is probably not worth the effort to go to Tournai specifically to see it right now.

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