Cash Converters in Saint-Gilles

BelgiëCash Converters



🕗 openingstijden

81, Chaussée de Waterloo, 1060, Saint-Gilles, BE Belgia
contacten telefoon: +32 2 538 06 88
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8295679, Longitude: 4.3442542

opmerkingen 5

  • lesgens denface

    lesgens denface


    Plus ou moins petit

  • Laurent Parmentier

    Laurent Parmentier


    Service nul Pas moyen tester la compatibilité des accessoires avant d acheté C est cher carte sd 16gb a 10 euro chez cash et 7 euro chez action Beaucoup de problèmes de fonctionnement A évite Venez chez les vrais dur secondé mains

  • Juxhin Cela

    Juxhin Cela


    The staff is relatively prepared but the manager or director of the store is suspicious when he will buy something used from a potential client and that doesn't give you good vibes, as a result the atmosphere there is not very positive in the service, employers from morrocan origin (random, not discrimination) are good to communicate, but you can find good used products relatively cheap and a place to sell immediately your old stuff and valuated neither bad or good, cause they need a profit of course doing intermediate. Its better to have a translator with you, it is only a guy who can speak english/dutch

  • pt

    Welber Luciano


    Muita coisa usada e interessante. Mas os preços estão altos. Muita coisa está com preço parecido com os praticados pela loja quando estão novos. Há muito pouca diferença no preço.

  • Robert OkuliÅ„ski

    Robert Okuliński


    Zawsze można coś ciekawego kupić za nie duże pieniądze

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