Carrefour market in Brussel

BelgiëCarrefour market



🕗 openingstijden

40-52, Kiekenmarkt, 1000, Brussel, BE België
contacten telefoon: +32 2 203 58 65
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8486759, Longitude: 4.3513144

opmerkingen 5

  • Mario M

    Mario M


    Big grocery store in city center! Prices are ok, quality is good. They have a large selection of beers! Good choice of bread and pastries. The fruit and vegetables section is also big enough to let you find what you are looking for. Opened until late evening (finally Belgium is evolving!). The alleys are a bit narrow and the store is on two floors, not so convenient but well, we are in city center! Good food shopping!

  • fr

    Michel Bausch


    Maintenant on ne prend plus que dix bouteilles consignées!!! De plus est-ce trop demander de frotter les bouteilles de bière quand elles sont poussièreuses ? Déjà que le client paie, ce n'est pas à lui de le faire. Update...depuis des mois maximum dix bouteilles consignées. Par contre...achetez tout ce que vous voulez. Maintenant plus de bouteilles reprises le week-end. De qui on se fout de la g... ?

  • Olav Vitters

    Olav Vitters


    I had to wait at least 5 minutes around 10.30 am on a Sunday before anyone showed up at the registers. There was another customer in front of an empty register. Some staff was counting the money in another register. Place itself was quite empty. Didn't understand why I had to wait so long to pay. A thief would've had way better experience! I can understand if it was busy but the entire place was quite dead at the time... felt a bit trapped due to the gates they have and lack of people at the registers.

  • Volodymyr Dudar

    Volodymyr Dudar


    Strongly encourage everyone to double-check their receipts after the purchase. I`m doing shopping here on a regular basis and it`s been already 3 times that a cashier counted more fruits that were actually bought, or picked the different ones (usually more expensive). Don`t know if they are doing this on purpose but double checking might be a good idea

  • sandro da silva

    sandro da silva


    My favourite supermarket in Brussels, at the heart of the city, walking distance to the famous Grand Place and to subway station. It is a two levels supermarket with stairs leading up to the upper level and also with an elevator which can be used by people using wheelchair or anyone carrying a lot of weight. They have an excellent amount of produces, very good quality at affordable prices. The staff is very efficient, friendly and helpful.

Supermarkt in de buurt

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