Carrefour express de Bruxelles

BelgiqueCarrefour express



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4A, Boulevard du Jardin Botanique, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgia
contact téléphone: +32 2 218 41 33
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.855702, Longitude: 4.355909

commentaires 5

  • A V

    A V


    Not customer friendly at all, even with customers that visit every day for lunch. Service is unknown for them and having respect for your paying customers is also something they steer far from. Be aware that prices are far higher than normal, even with the store at beurs ( that’s open till 23:00 ) Spend your money elsewhere

  • VictoriaEvelyn iAmVictoriaE

    VictoriaEvelyn iAmVictoriaE


    Pretty easy walk if you are downtown

  • en

    elise peerdenvlieg


    good express shop, good quality, and the cashier has a nice smile. better one

  • Aleksander Droƛ

    Aleksander Droƛ


    Nieco droĆŒszy, ale za to dƂuĆŒej otwarty sklep z niezƂym wyborem towarĂłw. Czysto tworzą się kolejki

  • nl

    Maren Berghe


    Zeer onvriendelijk personeel!

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