Carglass® Ixelles : Remplacer & réparer les vitres de voiture in Elsene

BelgiëCarglass® Ixelles : Remplacer & réparer les vitres de voiture



🕗 openingstijden

23, Provooststraat, 1050, Elsene, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 800 90 635
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8218991, Longitude: 4.3581015

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    FD Cellphone


    So much wrong here I don't know where to begin. Nice friendly people but completely incompetent and unprofessional. Good: they nicely transferred the road tax sticker on my windshield. Good: friendly smiling polite people. Good: they reattached my dashcam. Bad: they reattached it so it looked through the part of the windshield with the little black dots in it around the rear-view mirror Bad: they were missing the right calibration target for the line guidance and safety camera system (appointment was taken 2 weeks in advance). Bad: they took my car to drive to the other side of the city to another carglass to get the target. Bad: after the replacement of the windshield the plastic housing around the camera keeps falling down. Bad: the plastic housing around the rain/light sensor was damaged (broken tab) so it too kept falling off.

  • Alexander White

    Alexander White


    Super nice staff . thank you Carlos for an excellent service

  • Louis Torres

    Louis Torres


    Great service with a friendly staff. I highly recommend this place!

  • Alexander Ivanchev

    Alexander Ivanchev


    Sadly, good customer service and experience is still a rarity in Brussels. Hence my Carglass visit was nothing short of spectacular - from the phone agent, to the people who were still incredibly kind and accommodating even after I was 20 mins late due to traffic. Super fast and professional experience. World-class service, bravo!

  • en

    Anthony Kennedy


    Great service, friendly, fast and professional. Free access to wifi, coffee machine and water while you wait Thumbs up !

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