Camping Trieux in Malonne

BelgiëCamping Trieux



🕗 openingstijden

Les Trîs 99, 5020 Malonne, Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 81 44 55 83
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.4422422, Longitude: 4.8020246

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Walczacy Rys


    Camping is on first look very nice. For tent campers however it is an unfriendly place. I guess it is more posh than I and my friends are used to. Staff spoke french only.

  • en

    Eco Angel


    Nice area. Showers and toilets ok.

  • en

    Lorena Winstanley


    28€ per night (tent, car, electricity, 2 adults and 2 kids) clean amenities, nice relax camping...ideal to visit Namur citadel.

  • Mimi Br

    Mimi Br


    Lovely campsite. Quiet location. The owners were very friendly and welcoming. All facilities were well maintained and clean. We really enjoyed our stay :).

  • dave bevan

    dave bevan


    Appeared a nice campsite Owners upset my wife by their constant spying of us in facilities .Owner constantly told my wife off for not using the facilities correctly. Spoke to her like she was a child. They only spoke french We dont speak French at all. Spied on us when we came near to facilities . Not very nice people, Didnt make us feel welcome at all. Cheap at just 19 euro no electricity. Pity with such a lovely Forest next that they had no connecting access. USA Airport nearby so constant noise from aircraft Scared our dog senseless. Would not recomend

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