Camping Jeugdstadion de Ieper

BelgiqueCamping Jeugdstadion


pas d'information

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1, Bolwerkstraat, 8900, Ieper, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 57 21 72 82
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8469324, Longitude: 2.8973593

commentaires 5

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    max H


    Great campsite were staying in the small wooden huts all you need is a sleeping bag great spot very peaceful

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    Carole Kenny


    Good little sight in a fantastic location to see many WW1 sites

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    Dorothy blinkhorn


    Brilliant place always happy to help in walking distance of the town and easy to get to see all world war 1 memorials the last post at the menin gate is a must see

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    Joe Willis


    Close to Ypres centre, clean and warm. Little bit of background noise from local industry. Even so it's well worth a stay if visiting Ypres and the Menin Gate

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    Richard Lee


    Off peak aire camping at its expensive mediocre best. All water services available with hard standing for motorhomes and easy 20 minute flat walk to town centre. Limited facilities off peak. Reception closed in winter so automated Check In. Booked for a week then sent 2 emails to an address to extend our stay. These went unanswered so booked in again. Site, or whoever, not responsive to customer requests.

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