Caffelatte Espressobar in Brussel

BelgiëCaffelatte Espressobar



🕗 openingstijden

19, Handelsstraat, 1000, Brussel, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 503 62 98
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.840008, Longitude: 4.367475

opmerkingen 5

  • Jasmine Van de Wiele

    Jasmine Van de Wiele


    They have loads of good food and yummy coffees.. they also offer a lot of dairy free options (oat milk, almond milk or soy milk). Service is also good. You have to wait a while but that's because there's always a lot of people there. Once you have ordered, you get everything quite quickly so that's a bonus. Nice coffee shop, a bit too small (really cramped), clean restrooms, good coffee and good food.

  • Ria Jones

    Ria Jones


    Warm atmosphere, great coffee and friendly staff always crowded!

  • Ivan Nikolic

    Ivan Nikolic


    Great coffee, super cosy atmosfere!

  • Ferran Burgés

    Ferran Burgés


    The only real Italian espresso in Brussels. That says it all.

  • Nikos Andriopoulos

    Nikos Andriopoulos


    One of the best coffee places in the area. Barista is really an artist. Offers warm Italian sandwiches as a lunch option and some homemade desserts. I would like to see more lunch options.

Cafe in de buurt

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