Café Labath in Gent

BelgiëCafé Labath



🕗 openingstijden

1, Oude Houtlei, 9000, Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE Belgien
contacten telefoon: +32 9 225 28 25
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.0543177, Longitude: 3.7167701

opmerkingen 5

  • Kate B

    Kate B


    Cute place with many coffee options. They have a small breakfast meal that includes a coffee, juice, and choice of croissant, chocolate pastry, and soft boiled egg with toast. The atmosphere is very pleasing: lots of light and potted plants.

  • Steven Duyck

    Steven Duyck


    Een toffe koffiebar. Soms druk. En ze hebben een terras.

  • Bart Gielis

    Bart Gielis


    Ga er niet. Koffie 'OK'. Personeel 'om te janken', met veel attitude, zero service, legendarisch traag (kenmerk van kwaliteit? helaas niet), onvriendelijk, altijd klaar om een scheve opmerking door te steken. Verkeerd wisselgeld 'per ongeluk'. Echte aanstellerstent. Spring op uw fiets en rijd naar den Or of den Clouds.

  • Jessica Seipel

    Jessica Seipel


    Friendly staff, good coffee, and tasty snacks/lunch. We got sandwich and yogurt with granola and fruit, and both were great. They also sell coffee beans!

  • en

    Aleen Kilislian


    I was looking for a brunch spot and all my options were super expensive and offered continental. I stumbled upon this place and was so happy I did. I got an avocado toast (rare in most of Europe particularly for breakfast) with a soft boiled egg and it was delicious, the presentation was awesome, the service was great. The avocado toast was 9,50 euro. The place got quite busy very fast too. Has a big patio, wheelchair accessible, clean, friendly. Great! I think brunch is only available on weekends.

Cafe in de buurt

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