Café Hessenhuis in Antwerpen

BelgiëCafé Hessenhuis



🕗 openingstijden

59, Falconrui, 2000, Antwerpen, Antwerpen, BE Belgia
contacten telefoon: +32 3 231 13 56
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.2257511, Longitude: 4.4094709

opmerkingen 5

  • ro

    alin baboniu


    Ieftin și bun

  • Ecolier Assassin

    Ecolier Assassin


    We visited on a Friday at around 10pm. Music was nice and prices were ok, but the play was a bit in slow motion mood. Seems like a nice place to meet up with friends and meet new people.

  • FrĂ©dĂ©ric Luca Landi

    Frédéric Luca Landi


    I love this place , I go there for more than 10 years, now it is not like before but I still have great time there and the space is charming and cosy even if it is not full. Price are reasonable.

  • Martijn Van Wijngaarden

    Martijn Van Wijngaarden


    Het was niet druk maar de barman erg gezellig. Ga morgen weer op huizen jacht in Antwerpen dus ga zeker weer even langs voor een drankje

  • en

    Ben Samyn


    I can't get over how rude and grumpy the staff is towards people who aren't local. We were standing "in line" (around the bar) for a drink, everybody just ignored us and served the people they know personally. We were a group of about 10 and just left. Other than that: okay music if you're into pop-music, mostly younger and older LGBT crowd (on that evening at least). Can't comment on prices as I didn't get the chance to order a drink.

Bar in de buurt

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