Cafe Boerenhol de Ieper

BelgiqueCafe Boerenhol



🕗 horaire

21, Vandenpeereboomplein, 8900, Ieper, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgien
contact téléphone: +32 495 52 42 04
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8515826, Longitude: 2.8837038

commentaires 5

  • nl

    Tim Vanackere


    Gezellig cafe en museum over 1418 eerste wereldoorlog (privecollectie)

  • nl

    Ange Zoete


    Goede gezellige sfeer

  • en

    Barbera Rizza


  • en

    Mark Dorricott


    1st place i ever went in in Ypres in May 2017 & What a find. A Pub/Café Call it what you want. BUT Its Got & Basement Museum Too that is Something Else.. So It was a MUST When i came back with my wife for our 10th wedding anniversay Dec 7th. Become friends with Christopher who runs the place, great fella. This place is a Must Visit Place If Coming To Ypres. Great Choice Of Beers etc Lovely Friendly Atmosphere & a Great View of the Cathedral. Lots of stuff to look at and on a Cold Day The Coal Burner Is On

  • Dave Sarks

    Dave Sarks


    Awesome pub. Has a heaps cool WW1 museum in the basement which is free if you buy a beer. Best value for money when buying a beer ever.

Café la plus proche

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