C&A de Leuven




🕗 horaire

Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
64, Bondgenotenlaan, 3000, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 16 20 00 48
site web: www.c-a.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8800175, Longitude: 4.7081891

commentaires 5

  • Alireza Nateghi

    Alireza Nateghi


    Good place to find lower to medium budget clothing for teens and adults.

  • en



    It's fine. However, a larger variety of clothing would have been better

  • Richard StorebĂž

    Richard StorebĂž


    It's alright but kinda pricey for what it is, could be much better on customer service.

  • Chick's Library

    Chick's Library


    I love the quality of their clothes. I buy my child's dresses and mine from there.

  • Radu Neagoe

    Radu Neagoe


    I am very happy about the service and a wide choice of clothing for a reasonable price but there is one thing that is completely INSANE!!! I had to use the toilets, they give the possibility to usevthem but you need to pay 0,50€ (you need to put a coin in the door to open it). I bought for 200€ of clothing and I need to pay for the toilets W T F ???? If you need to go, you need to go, so I paid and inside it was worse than everything you can imagine!!!!!! And of corse all the "young" staff members think it is funny and normal that we have to pay for this "service" !!!!!!

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