Brussels Yoga Pilates - BYP de Brussel

BelgiqueBrussels Yoga Pilates - BYP



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Wolvengracht 38, 1000 Brussel, Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 489 00 45 30
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.850228, Longitude: 4.3551761

commentaires 5

  • Carolyn Brown

    Carolyn Brown


    Friendly, good classes, simple online bookings - Marilia is fantastic (have attended over 20 classes).

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    Marilia G A Silva


    Great studio with dedicated and knowledgeable teachers, 2 large rooms and a wide range of Pilates and Yoga classes for all levels, great energy and cosy atmosphere. Not to be missed!

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    Sigrid van de Wijer


    Nice studio, 2 large yoga rooms with plenty of daylight. Large variety of classes. Great teachers.

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    Isabelle K.


    Central location with a very welcoming atmosphere and a great team! Wide range of courses for all levels in pilates, yoga and even meditation! The affordable 10-day discovery pass gives the chance to new comers to try them all out and pick up favorite day, time, course et teacher.

  • Lucie Cincinatis

    Lucie Cincinatis


    A cozy, spiritual yoga refuge in the heart of Brussels. BYP has in incredible selection of teachers, and classes. I like the intimate feel of the place compared to many other yoga or pilates studios that sometimes feel like fitness-yoga factories. I am very happy to enhance my physical and spiritual practice at BYP and highly recommend the studio to anyone who is new or already practices yoga and pilates. Namaste Lucie

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