Brussels City Hop On Hop Off in Brussel

BelgiëBrussels City Hop On Hop Off



🕗 openingstijden

1000, Brussel, Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 466 11 11
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8472349, Longitude: 4.3572309

opmerkingen 5

  • Myint Htoo Aung

    Myint Htoo Aung


    If the bus running extended hours will be great. Currently first bus start at 10:00 hrs and last bus is 16:00 hrs. It cost €25/day.

  • Lisa Lang

    Lisa Lang


    It’s not worth a single star. The bus drivers are extremely rude und unhelpful. Some of the stops are not accurate so the bus just drives by. If you come with a digital ticket - no chance. Never again, worst experience ever.

  • Saravanan Manoharan

    Saravanan Manoharan


    I bought 48 hours Tickets for my family. They have only one buses for each tour so you need to wait for at least 1 hour to get the bus.First day we used red route and planned for blue route next day. As per their info, the tour start 10AM so we reached 9.45 to get the first bus. We wait upto 11.30 and no bus arrived in both red and blue route. more that 60 peoples were wait for these bus but no info from bus company. We spoke to pair from America who aged around 70. They came Brussels for 2 days trip and they thought taking sightseeing bus is easier for their age. They stand more than 2 hours and left at 11am. There is no bus shelter or sitting places near the starting point. We stand 2 hours in rainy cold weather. We left 11.30am and used Public transport. I realised how easy to use public transport in brussels rather than taking sightseeing bus. Please plan well and use public transport and avoid tour bus. You will get public transport near to all sightseeing places. There is no office and contact number to get information. We contacted them after our holiday and we got the reply abound refund on second day. see below and decide this is fair to treat customer. Dear Saran You are right, we were forced to cancel our tour because of a big demonstration. We are ready to refund the difference between 24h and 48h ticket, we just need you to send us your ticket. Waiting for your answer. Best regards, Brussels Citysightseeing Open Tours N.V Alfons Gossetlaan, 15

  • en



    Google needs a zero star option for this operation. They wouldn’t accept any manner of e-tickets, which is annoying. We are staying in an apartment so we had to find a place to print. And our ticket states they are running from 9:30AM to 6:00PM, but the driver said 3:00. And it gets worse. We tried to hop on at 2:00 sharp... and waited a full half hour... and the bus never showed back up. So they must have stopped before 2:00PM. We are asking for a refund. I’d recommend not handing them your money in the first place.

  • en

    Ushma Desai


    This is definitely worth trying if you are in Bruxelles for a day or two . Though it is not that adventurous and pro active , it is worth trying because they explain it in much detail about the culture and history of the city . Though it is just 75 mins of tour it give a good idea of the city I will suggest only if you have time crunch and want to travel the whole city quickly

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