Brussel (Station Noord) de Schaerbeek

BelgiqueBrussel (Station Noord)


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123, Rue du Progrès, 1030, Schaerbeek, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +33 1 76 36 04 12
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8614846, Longitude: 4.3599592

commentaires 5

  • Buraot 52

    Buraot 52


    A cousin of mine was on this station few days ago , he was travelling alone and robbed by 3 black men and took his cellphone while the driver was just watching and doing nothing while the incident is still going and did't even helped him or even called the police , and worst the driver even blamed my cousin about the delay I guess being an asian tourist in Europe . And please take note that the bus allows luggages 20kg max , you pay extra 2€ for the excess and 9€ special handling , but if you are an Asian Traveller the driver will force you to pay 20€ for the excess , and threaten you to not get on the bus if you refuse to pay, shame on you flix bus drivers

  • Mauricio T B

    Mauricio T B


    Could be better, an infrastructure with some benches during the waiting’s. Be careful with your belongings!

  • en

    Saif Salih


    stood outside in the cold for 1.5 hours only to be told the bus is cancelled. no back plan or alternative bus. we were told to take another bus 5 hours later or get a refund. I said fine I'll have a refund as I was planning to do a round trip in one day. later i get one email saying actually we changed our mind and we wont refund. I then sent them an email you offered a refund please do. no reply. next day i emailed again, no reply, the following day i emailed again, no reply. 3 days later i emailed again, no reply. a week later i went on facebook and ask a question, they replied by saying go back to the website and refill the form again. so basically no trip and no money

  • Mong Raivin

    Mong Raivin


    flixbus station here is worst for security take 1000% care of your luggages the staff and driver not come down from the bus to provide security while the bus storage is still open

  • Inno Sen

    Inno Sen


    Here is the bus station for the Flixbusses, just 3 min far from metro and 5 min far from Train, you need have good condition to achieve the parcour if different stairs and levels

Station de bus la plus proche

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