Bruges Beer Experience in Brugge

BelgiëBruges Beer Experience



🕗 openingstijden

3, Breidelstraat, 8000, Brugge, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 50 69 92 29
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.2085832, Longitude: 3.2254516

opmerkingen 5

  • Jean-Pierre Godbout

    Jean-Pierre Godbout


    Confusingly enough, there is more than one "Beer Museum" in Brugges. Understandably, considering how beer is deeply rooted in the city's history. Bruges Beer Experience was a wonderful little museum. We took the visit and beer tasting package and were satisfied in general. To tour the museum, you're equipped with a tablet and earphones. At arrival we were told to just "Point at anything and your tablet will start by itself". So, like everybody else, we pointed at anything and everything in the museum, only to realize that the tablet doesn't actually work on everything after a few frustrating tries. If there were signs on a dot, anything to indicate where to point the tablet, that would help. The highlight of course is the beer tasting. It was great. There's a wide variety of choices and the samples are fairly generous. The only downside to the tasting, was finding a place to sit down. You can't stand at the bar and many tables are for 4 people and are usually full. We had found a larger table that we shared with a few other people but we were bumped off when a tour operator came in with his group and "nicely" asked us to leave. All in all, get there early, don't point at everything with the tablet and enjoy the beer.

  • Atit Shah

    Atit Shah


    Beautifully made. Nice idea of AV experience. Then, 3 beers for taste. Staff was fantastic and suggested me some good European Beers. Definitely recommend.

  • Nicole Gonzalez

    Nicole Gonzalez


    Very cool museum for the beer enthusiasts. They have activities for kids too, if you're going as a family. The tasting was great, but the museum is pricey. If you are not actually interested in how beer is made but just want to taste different beers, I suggest going to a good brewery in Belgium and just trying different beers as that will likely be less costly.

  • David Crepaz-Keay

    David Crepaz-Keay


    Although we are not really beer enthusiasts, we found this to be one of the most impressive museums in Bruges. It's very interactive, works on all the senses and offers remarkable value for money, particularly if you take the optional 3 beer tasting vouchers. Hard to beat.

  • en

    Hannah Nolan


    Really interesting little museum with lots of interactive displays to get you involved. We chose the option of tickets with a drink and were pleasantly surprised to find you got 3 drink samples. Staff were lovely and very informative. Bar staff very friendly and helpful.

Museum in de buurt

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