Break Café in Poperinge

BelgiëBreak Café



🕗 openingstijden

33, Grote Markt, 8970, Poperinge, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 57 30 14 99
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8559984, Longitude: 2.7267443

opmerkingen 5

  • fanny jacob

    fanny jacob


    Toffe baas

  • nl

    Ritske Van Der Veen


    Plezierige pleisterplaats. Kleine kaart. Geen betaling met betaalkjaarten. Wel geldautomaat bij buurman parisbas/fortis.

  • Jamie Houjabi

    Jamie Houjabi


    Bit rude. Coffee wasn't good and demanded payment before ordering.

  • en

    Álvaro Bohórquez


    They tried to cheat us. When we arrived we asked for an english menu. One of the sandwiches we ordered were made with cheese (it wasn´t written on the menu), the waiter told us that it was a Belgium traditional plate so all the sandwiches had was obvious we were not from Belgium...Finally when we asked for the check he didn't give us the receipt and the amount was totally wrong so we complained and asked for the receipt. The reason was ridiculous, the english menu was outdated and all the prices went higher. He started to shout us in his language and after 10 minutes complaining we got a different price, not the fair one. Really bad experience.

  • Declercq Filip

    Declercq Filip



Restaurant in de buurt

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