Brasserie Le 500 in Namur

BelgiëBrasserie Le 500


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🕗 openingstijden

10, Avenue du Bourgmestre Jean Materne, 5100, Namur, Namur, BE Belgien
contacten telefoon: +32 81 30 00 73
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.4577557, Longitude: 4.8676098

opmerkingen 5

  • Tom De Pauw

    Tom De Pauw


    The 4 of us came to Jambes for lunch at restaurant "Le Binôme" but it was closed for holidays on a Saturday in late September. We had not made a reservation or we would have known. A nearby shop owner recommended the Taverne le 500. The table service was offered through the patron who is good humoured, accessible and attentive. He even came to see if everything was alright which is uncommon in South-West Europe. We ordered the Home made Carbonades which were very good. The Filet Américain was presented as house-cut and excellent. The Salmon was a little undercooked. The desserts are very good as well as the coffee. The toilets are old but OK.

  • fr

    Peter Nachtergaele


    Plat du jour parfait. Sevice impeccable

  • fr

    Thierry Mahieux


    Tres bon. Qualite et prix raisonnable.

  • Lionel Gallon

    Lionel Gallon


    Cadre hyper sympa face à la citadelle. Un bel endroit à découvrir. Le tout avec une tangerlo prior......😎😎😎

  • en

    Cristina Annoni


    I'm 9 month pregnant. After being bounced from Brasserie de la Reine Blanche, who refused to let us in for lunch as we had a dog, and even worse who refused to let me use the toilet, we walked all the way down from the Citadel and entered Brasserie le 500. Here we have been welcomed with big smiles and with a bowl of water for our dog. Lunch was delicious and the personnel really kind.

Restaurant in de buurt

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