bpost in Oudergem




🕗 openingstijden

4, Tweesteenwegenstraat, 1160, Oudergem, BE Belgien
contacten telefoon: +32 2 201 23 45
website: www.bpost.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8160826, Longitude: 4.4339584

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    J Santos


    Packages that are not signed for disappear. Packages that are signed for they just leave an attempted delivery notice even if the people are there, couldn't be bothered to ring. A complete joke of a service, just amazing.

  • fr

    Lorent Depeoitre


    Vraiment déçu de l accueil, il ne donne pas envie d y retourner :-(

  • en

    Thierry Zigou


    Very and helping staff

  • fr

    Istomin Oxi


    @ Degée P., on n' a pas dû être dans le même bureau .Un accueil des plus conviviaux avec une équipe au service au plus près du client et une ambiance garantie. L'agence vaut le détour.

  • Thomas DT

    Thomas DT


    I came to the post office today to collect a package for my landlord. The post delivered this and other packages incorrectly to different addresses. As he is a lawyer, we're speaking about confidential information. This package was correctly sent, but since he wasn't there, they sent it to post office in Auderghem. He's in a busy period, so I proposed to collect his package since I work very near the post office. He provided me with all necessary documents: the delivery paper, completed with name, date and his signature + a copy of his ID card. At the post office, the lady told me she wouldn't give me the package since the signatures on the delivery paper and his ID card aren't the same. I tried to explain that this was absolutely the case and that signatures are never 100% the same (try it for yourself). I even wrote down my signature and compared it with my ID card to show what I mean (I write it really differently than on my ID card), but suddenly the two versions of my signature were identical according to her. Usually I don't write these reviews, but it's the first time that I experience such an absurd situation. So I strongly advise not to send any packages to this office, and to avoid it as much as possible. Other times I went there, the service was perfect, I have to stress. But now my landlord is in a troublesome situation, thanks to this employee.

Postkantoor in de buurt

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