BPost de Bruxelles




🕗 horaire

41, Rue Stevin, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 201 23 45
site web: www.bpost.be
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8454359, Longitude: 4.3771085

commentaires 5

  • mademoiselle moi

    mademoiselle moi


    I have never seen such a rude staff. No "Hello" no "good bye" (in any language) only grumpy faces, if I were the manager I would send them to some customer service courses so they could learn basic politeness.

  • en

    Puur Pilates Helga


    Never open when I need it to be. Was at some point even closed the day before a public holiday, just because it would clearly be too much effort opening for one day and service customers.

  • Željko Pušec

    Željko Pušec


    Picked up a package from Amazon once, friendly staff, they speak english (in my case), interior is pleasant. It's in my area of work so I will visit this office again.

  • en

    Tim J.


    For a belgian post office, I find the staff there helpful. Yes, the staff always looks serious and don't crack a smile, but I always make it a point to smile, say hi, and practice my broken french with them. Some of them do speak English, but only speak once you are completely lost in french or dutch. Avoid going there during lunch hours. Made that mistake once and never again. I always go after 2pm on Fridays since that's the only time I can make it, and either I'm the only one there, or there are no more than 2 people ahead of me.

  • Cesare Tortonese

    Cesare Tortonese


    Avoid around noon, else it's quite OK. The staff are sufficiently nice and affable, though that may surely change from one clerk to the other (not to mention weather, hormones, and so on).

Bureau de poste la plus proche

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