bpost in Etterbeek




🕗 openingstijden

32-34, Avenue de Tervueren, 1040, Etterbeek, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 201 23 45
website: www.bpost.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8391678, Longitude: 4.3995319

opmerkingen 5

  • Ploy A

    Ploy A


    I read bad reviews before going here but didn't expect it is going to be this terrible. Once the workers realize that you don't understand French, they looked at you as if you are a beggar that make their view unpleasant and would like to get rid of you as soon as possible. What for a shameful attitude towards customers. They understood the basic inquiry in English but need to give the "attitude". I had to hold myself not to shout bad words on their face and be like "ah now you suddenly f***ing understand English"

  • fr

    Ayaa Khalifi


    C était de

  • fr

    Gaele Debotte


    Personnel absolument excecrable qui n'a aucun sens du service et de la relation client.

  • Sigria Mouchet

    Sigria Mouchet


    Personnel indifférent, tout sauf sympathique. Il y a toujours des files monstrueuses dans ce point poste (car c'est le seul dans le coin), donc il faut prendre son mal en patience. Je déteste y aller, je me limite donc aux visites inévitables.

  • Kaloyan Tsilev

    Kaloyan Tsilev


    Service here is terrible... The attitude of the staff was ignorant. There are other post offices in Brussels where the people actually care about their work.

Postkantoor in de buurt

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