Bistro De Schilder restaurant in Brugge

BelgiëBistro De Schilder restaurant



🕗 openingstijden

13, Jan van Eyckplein, 8000, Brugge, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgia
contacten telefoon: +32 50 34 64 62
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.211405, Longitude: 3.225753

opmerkingen 5

  • fr

    Clarisse Lagaly


    Très déçu par le service ! Très longue attente pour le services des repas ! Les plats moules boffes .Les salades assaisonnement laissent à désirer...Lors de suggestions.....

  • Jonatan Billiau

    Jonatan Billiau


    Booked here with a group of 30. They were extremely professional and the service was exceptional. They accommodated our large group without problem and the food was excellent. Would highly recommend.

  • Denise Bratland

    Denise Bratland


    This was a family and friend dinner preceding a wedding and they treated us like royalty. The service was stellar and the food was as you would expect from a high end restaurant anywhere. I highly recommend this friendly and cozy little place.

  • en

    Cara Schaefer


    Very friendly and helpful staff and good food. They also offer a small beer tasting menu. Plenty of outdoor seating with a river view over the square.

  • Mary Lee Ball

    Mary Lee Ball


    Not terrible, but I wouldn't return. Three of us got mussels, and the sauces were mediocre. I had two gross mussels in my dish, but didn't get sick from them, so i guess they weren't actually 'bad'. The Flemish beef stew was great! Desserts, flan and chocolate mousse, were also only okay. Service was friendly and prompt.

Cafe in de buurt

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