Biotoop de Leuven




🕗 horaire

16, Zwarte Zustersstraat, 3000, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 16 20 69 50
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.873003, Longitude: 4.6965212

commentaires 5

  • Annick Neven

    Annick Neven


    Speciale plaats zo in het midden van het centrum

  • en

    Xaab Xaa


    super expensive, you have to pay for cutting your bread yourself!! grumpy employees... well I guess the products are exactly as advertised, eco friendly and bio and what not, but really did not like it there. excellent amount of choice for herbs, tea, stuff like that.

  • B Mapper

    B Mapper


    I've been a customer since 15 years. Great shop and very friendly service.

  • nl

    Dries Van Hout


    Leuke bio-winkel met vriendelijke bediening.

  • en

    George Wittenberg


    A lovely little organic grocery store, conveniently located near the Groot Begijnhof with good hours. Very tidy, with a variety of goods, including peanut butter and organic wine. Prices are reasonable.

Magasin la plus proche

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