Bio Shanti in Ixelles

BelgiëBio Shanti



🕗 openingstijden

70, Avenue Adolphe Buyl, 1050, Ixelles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 647 88 60
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8168621, Longitude: 4.3818954

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Tommi Raivio


    Riz complet contient des petites betes noires vivants!

  • Francois Swine

    Francois Swine


    There is a wide offer and personnel is really nice, even though there are some products much more expensive than other ones, I let you search to find satisfying offers for you!

  • Anja Garone

    Anja Garone


    Quite overpriced but very comprehensive product selection. Workers are friendly.

  • Joël Harkes

    Joël Harkes


    Quite big actually, has a lot of natural and hipster products. If you are on a food budget, certain products you could still get here but for most expect to pay some more than supermarkets. They have a lot of products but the hallways are a bit small and makes you afraid of passing someone, tumbling something over.

  • evan frank

    evan frank


    Deceptively large health food store. Great selection of unique products. Lots of supplements as well. I asked if they had digestive enzymes, and they immediately knew what I wanted. Very helpful staff. Also great cookies if you're into that sort of thing.

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