Bikers Loft Groenedijk de Oudenburg

BelgiqueBikers Loft Groenedijk



🕗 horaire

5a, Groenedijkstraat, 8460, Oudenburg, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgien
contact téléphone: +32 59 26 85 40
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.1918954, Longitude: 2.9848725

commentaires 5

  • nl

    dany geets


    Gezellig terras

  • marnik denys

    marnik denys


    Tof leuk mooi speciaal =» DOEN

  • Lieven Voetverzorging

    Lieven Voetverzorging


    Echt de max, zeer sociaal en gezellig. Goede service en aandacht voor onze verlangens. Kan niet missen :-)

  • en

    Andy T


    Good to be able to park your bike indoors. Rooms very basic but comfortable, with helmet and leathers storage and a heater - which is great for drying out gear. Showers and toilets are where the bikes are parked and down the corridor respectively. Cool bar with outdoor seating area can be lively when there is music and BBQ, but quiet if not. BBQ food is great but food is mediocre when no BBQ. All food is cooked DIY.

  • Alexander Greiner

    Alexander Greiner


    Sehr gute Idee

Musée la plus proche

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