Bike Square Brussels in Ixelles

BelgiëBike Square Brussels



🕗 openingstijden

3B, Clos du Parnasse, 1050, Ixelles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 498 44 60 52
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8375715, Longitude: 4.3702151

opmerkingen 5

  • Magdalena Verseckas

    Magdalena Verseckas


    Very nice and friendly service, the guy speaks good English. Easy appointment system on the website. Reasonable prices. I left my bike in the morning and picked up after work :)

  • en

    Alexis Van Zeveren


    Very satisfied with the service for getting and delivering my new bike. Flexible, efficient, friendly... looking forward to work wirh them for maintenance. Thanks Michel & David !

  • Pauline Lucas

    Pauline Lucas


    The advice I received to help me to choose an electric bike was very helpful and professional. Sam took his time to explain technical details and differences between the bikes. I could also try the bikes to make up my mind. To sum up, the service was great and the products, the bikes are high quality. A place to recommend if you are looking for a bike, electric or not.

  • Jonáš Jančařík

    Jonáš Jančařík


    Came to buy a cheap mudguard, received a lot of good advice regarding my mountain bike. The technician I spoke to spoke good English, which is a plus because I don't know the bike related vocab in French.

  • en

    Ilyass A


    Very professional advises from the mechanical specialist of Bike Square ! He took care for our needs and tried to find the best bike solution for us; besides the multiple constrains. The personnel has an extensive bike technology knowledge and are capable to explain it simply. I strongly recommend this shop !

Fietsenwinkel in de buurt

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