Bij Ons in Herselt

BelgiëBij Ons



🕗 openingstijden

60, Herentalsesteenweg, 2230, Herselt, Antwerpen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 14 53 80 83
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.071573, Longitude: 4.878172

opmerkingen 5

  • Witte Marghem

    Witte Marghem


    grote parking en ook grote tuin waar ge ook kunt eten en kinderen kunnen er spelen en dan het eten is er goed en veel variatie en ook zeer vriendelijke bediening

  • Zimcke Van de Staey

    Zimcke Van de Staey


    Food in the buffet was only average, but you get your money's worth. Large choice of desserts (try the green tea ice cream!), friendly service and a very cosy place. Ideal for family dinners! Also suitable for children.

  • Count Crust

    Count Crust


    Very little choice at the buffet only fried foods were supplied the more 'expensive' (which wasn't expensive at all due to the lack of choice (only beef and chicken no lamb or anything) things were never filled. All customers were complain they simply said yeah ok. And they filled the fried foods (fried snacks) the dessert was really bad fridaynight and they started off with empty buckets of icecream. Each bucket had like 2 scoops left. Really bad. I will never again go here. I've tried numerous Chinese buffets and this was one of the worst ever.

  • Min Li

    Min Li


    They have many good food from aria and the service is very good too.i like it!

  • David Kens

    David Kens


    Great food !

Restaurant in de buurt

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