Best Western Wavre Hotel de Wavre

BelgiqueBest Western Wavre Hotel



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12, Avenue Lavoisier, 1300, Wavre, Brabant Wallon, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 10 88 74 30
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.733633, Longitude: 4.589186

commentaires 5

  • en

    Valerio Vignoli


    Great compromise between logistics and accomodation price. Fantastic service managed by a joung, smily and professional staff. Well done guys! Valerio

  • en

    David Roberts


    Location can only be described as functional but the hotel itself is great. Rooms are really comfortable and clean, lovely bar and restaurant too

  • en

    Maaria Soila


    Nice 3 star hotel in Wavre. Friendly staff. Clean, recently renovated. A bit far from the centre but close to many offices in the area.

  • Dennis Van Eecke

    Dennis Van Eecke


    Very new. Friendly staff. They allowed us to have some meetings in the restaurant. Very appreciated.

  • Wolfgang Saris

    Wolfgang Saris


    I liked the hotel, the bed is good. There is some stuff that I told them and they didn't wanted to hear, but at all good.

Lodging la plus proche

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