BEST WESTERN PLUS Park Hotel Brussels de Etterbeek

BelgiqueBEST WESTERN PLUS Park Hotel Brussels


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

21, IJzerlaan, 1040, Etterbeek, BE België
contact téléphone: +32 2 735 74 00
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.841564, Longitude: 4.396522

commentaires 5

  • Michèle Schmiegelow

    Michèle Schmiegelow


    A charming hotel, unpretentious, but well managed, in a perfect location for reaching the EU offices or the center of Brussels. Beds are super, personnel friendly and ready to help, breakfast just what you want in a room with a view on the garden. Free wifi functioning and you can sleep because it is so quiet!

  • Ivan Senin

    Ivan Senin


    TL;DR: it's fine! The room was large and clean. The furniture might look a bit old, but it's in a good shape. The staff are nice people. The location is quite convenient as well. A bit annoying drawback is that too much water ended up on the floor, when I used to take shower. In general it was very good price for value. But be aware that prices may differ quite a lot day to day.

  • nl

    charlotte vandorpe


    Rustige ligging , veel groen, goed bereikbaar, parking in de straat.

  • Peter Gouwentak

    Peter Gouwentak


    Prima kamers, goede bedden en vriendelijk personeel. Ligging tegen het park en vlak bij de metro

  • Rob Verdegaal

    Rob Verdegaal


    Prima slaapplaats. Weinig te doen in het hotel. Ongezellige bar.

Lodging la plus proche

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