Best Western Ambassador Hotel Bosten in Eupen

BelgiëBest Western Ambassador Hotel Bosten


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🕗 openingstijden

Haasstrasse 81, 4700 Eupen, Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 87 74 08 00
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.6219411, Longitude: 6.0394126

opmerkingen 5

  • Jonas Vereeken

    Jonas Vereeken


    Stayed here for one night only but very satisfied. We had rooms in the old part of the hotel, which were a little outdated, especially for 4 stars. Apart from the traditional 90's style the rooms were great and had everything one would need. Great bed but only one small cushion. The coffee, tea and water are free to use. The view from the room was okay and it was very quiet. Wifi was very fast. The staff was very friendly and check-in and out are smooth. Breakfast was nice as well with enough choice. The restaurant is a recommnendation for the evening and serves very refined food for a considerably low price. We took the menu and were very surprised by the quality of the food. Props to the chef. A great hotel if you're looking for a base to discover the High Fens national park!

  • Jeroen Vercampt

    Jeroen Vercampt


    A little bit outdated. But i had a good stay.

  • Nino . Kobalia

    Nino . Kobalia


    Fully satisfied with the service. Staff is nice and helpful. Hotel is very clean and provides all necessary bath kits.

  • en

    Car'e R


    Friendly staff, clean and comfortable accommodations. Free parking very close.

  • Bruno Van de Voorde

    Bruno Van de Voorde


    The hotel has an old part and a new one. My room was located in the modern part: - large bed, spatious room with a clean minimalistic feeling. TV with a lot of options and internet TV (Netflix) available. - great bathroom, with a large modern shower. - nice breakfast, yet awkwardly quiet. - no minibar (seriously, who uses them anyways) but an empty fridge is available. - friendly service. overall, very nice and cheap four star hotel.

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