Berlaymont Health Centre de Bruxelles

BelgiqueBerlaymont Health Centre



🕗 horaire

2, Boulevard Clovis, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 735 53 26
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.847837, Longitude: 4.382724

commentaires 5

  • Jamie Fletcher

    Jamie Fletcher


    Great, personable, knowledgeable Doctors who speak English. A fantastic practise overall.

  • Kevin Capretto

    Kevin Capretto


    If you are looking for very professional, caring, educated, and trusted physicians, then Berlaymont Health Centre is the right choice for you! Dr. Hodun and Dr. Ryan are very knowledgeable and very thorough with their work. My current profession has me traveling all across the globe, and this centre surpasses all of the expectations that I have seen in the past. The centre is very clean, their on-line appointment system and availability make it very easy, and their care and follow through and impeccable! Whether you are visiting Brussels or a permanent resident, I highly recommend this outstanding facility, especially if English is your first language! Brilliant service, outstanding knowledge, and extremely accommodating are the items that come to mind when thinking about Berlaymont Health!

  • en

    thomas bak jørgensen


    Professional, emphatic and kind. Highly recommended for English speaking couples with children

  • en

    Glen Bastin


    Very professional, easy to book and thorough care

  • Jason Pogacnik

    Jason Pogacnik


    Very attentive, professional and efficient.

Hôpital la plus proche

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