Béierhaascht SA in Käerjeng

BelgiëBéierhaascht SA



🕗 openingstijden

240, Avenue de Luxembourg, 4940, Käerjeng, Capellen, LU Luxembourg
contacten telefoon: +352 26 50 85 50
website: www.beierhaascht.lu
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 49.572712, Longitude: 5.923749

opmerkingen 5

  • Yevgeny Kuklychev

    Yevgeny Kuklychev


    Decent beer, a lovely family place. Amazing meat!

  • amorgh G.H

    amorgh G.H


    only one room has the big window...others are small, high windows, see the pic. The breakfast and free near are very good.

  • en

    Lyle Regenwetter


    Had a family gathering and ordered ham and fries. Tasty and nice atmosphere

  • max fossi

    max fossi


    Good food, friendly people, i would recommend it to anyone willing to spend a casual evening while enjoying a self-made beer

  • Christian Lamont

    Christian Lamont


    This was a excelant hotel, we used a wonderbox voucher for one night with breakfast. When we checked in the staff were very friendly and helpfull. We made a reservation for the restaurant in the evening. Again food and service were great, rooms clean and well kept, breakfast was good and again the service was excelant. We would recamend this hotel to everybody who want a nice family run hotel... Allso they brew there own beer... this like everything els is excelant

Bar in de buurt

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