Bed & Breakfast De Genval in Genval

BelgiëBed & Breakfast De Genval


geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

Avenue Herbert Hoover, 1332, Genval, Brabant Wallon, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 497 24 35 73
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.727409, Longitude: 4.5144112

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Razvan Coman


    Great prices for the size ofvthe room and amenities and the staff was very friendly and made our stay really good.

  • tomek 00

    tomek 00


    Prezadovoljan,sobe ciste,uredne,dorucak vrhunski. Vlasnici sve pohvale,ne doživljavam cesto takvu ljubaznost. Preporuke svima da posjete ovo mjesto.

  • fr

    Audran Detrain


    Un peu glauque de l extérieure mais super intérieur pas de parking comme noté sur le site Chambre très grande et grande salle de bain Attention être attentif car on peut confondre avec une habitation classique et pas de signe distinctif

  • en

    Cristina Annoni


    Super cozy B&B, few minutes away from the lake. The hostess is really a warm and kind person (seeing that I was pregnant, she helped my husband carry the baggage upstairs). Breakfast is delicious and freshly made. Great service and pets are more than welcome here! Ideal location to explore the Namur area.

  • martin clifford von schukkmann

    martin clifford von schukkmann


    "One of my Favourite Places and Locations to stay and spend some time "

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