Bed and Breakfast Leopold II de Bruxelles

BelgiqueBed and Breakfast Leopold II


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215, Boulevard Leopold II, 1080, Bruxelles, BE Belgien
contact téléphone: +32 472 74 67 27
site web:
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Latitude: 50.8621901, Longitude: 4.3351233

commentaires 5

  • nl

    Thobias Robie Tchengue Haghe


    Schitterend handel uitstekende bediening dienst

  • Matthew Neale

    Matthew Neale


    I would recommend this B&B to everybody I was making my way from England and made a mistake of forgetting the clocks go forward once you land in France I had already given the owner and ETA of 2 o'clock which then changed to 3 and he is quite happy to wait for me to let me in. Upon arrival was greeted by a very friendly gentleman who showed me straight to my room and I was extremely happy with the room I received verbal books TV full function in kitchen with coffee machine orange squeezing machine fridge freezer microwave everything you would need I would highly recommend this B&B

  • J Morán

    J Morán


    Very nice apartment. Near a metro station and local amenities. Very friendly owner.

  • D Lam

    D Lam


    The apartment was spacious, clean and modern. The host was fantastic and sorted us out with his local knowledge. The location is easily accessible. The convinence stores and restaurants are a stone's throw from the apartment. We would really recommend their apartments for anyone looking for a cosy stay!

  • Meg Maples

    Meg Maples


    The rooms are very lovely, each with their own theme. Everything was clean apart from some dust which is quickly wiped up. The bed was pretty comfortable and the windows in the room opened nice and wide for fresh air. They even have a fridge in a lounge room that you can use for your personal food items in there or grab a beer or soda out of. Breakfast was simple yet delicious and Pascal was absolutely lovely. Definitely will stay again if I ever find myself in Brussels for another visit.

Lodging la plus proche

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