BE O Bourdon Bio Markt in Gent

BelgiëBE O Bourdon Bio Markt



🕗 openingstijden

6, Heilige-Geeststraat, 9000, Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE Bélgica
contacten telefoon: +32 9 335 57 06
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.053336, Longitude: 3.7236182

opmerkingen 5

  • Ignace Savels

    Ignace Savels


    Zeer leuke ruimte, hele vriendelijke mensen en alles zeer goed van ingrediënten (organisch, duurzaam) De kaart is ok, mag eventueel iets uitgebreider, maar al bij al vind je zeker je zin. Het grootste minpunt die ik kan geven (en die is zeer beperkt) is de portie groottes, als je binnenstapt met grote honger, riskeer je teleurgesteld buiten te gaan. Wel zeer mooi geprepareerd en goed klaargemaakt. Kurkuma latte is wel dikke aanrader!!

  • Thiago Guimarães Osório

    Thiago Guimarães Osório


    Amazing, amazing and amazing place if you enjoy organic food with quality. They have a lot of quality and good quantities of products here, of course that unfortunately all organic shops are more expensive. They have a lot of fruits, vegetables, beverages, cheeses... They have a mini bar too. All products that I bought was absolutely delicious. Congratulations for the store!

  • Ives DLR

    Ives DLR


    This is my main place for organic food. Quality of the products is high and prices are low for this kind of quality. Most products are short chain and you can tell that these people are passionate about offering top quality organic food. The place has a nice atmosphere and you can have lunch or a café or a snack at the bar. If you buy seeds or nuts or grains: bring your own recipients and have it weighed at the counter first so you can get the correct price for what you buy. Highly recommended!!

  • María Miret

    María Miret


    Me gustó el concepto de este lugar que me recuerda a El huerto de Lucas en Madrid (España)

  • Jesús García Blanco

    Jesús García Blanco


    Un pequeño supermercado bio a granel con cafetería. Los precios son bastante elevados, pero la calidad es buena.

Kruidenier of supermarkt in de buurt

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