B&B Hôtel Lille Roubaix Campus Gare de Roubaix

BelgiqueB&B Hôtel Lille Roubaix Campus Gare



🕗 horaire

22, Place de la Gare, 59100, Roubaix, Nord, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 890 64 98 92
site web: www.hotel-bb.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.6959106, Longitude: 3.164018

commentaires 5

  • JFaBuuu



    Simple, Clean. No hairdryer in the room.

  • João Grácio

    João Grácio


    It's ok. The only downside is that its lack hairdryer

  • en

    Sid Kacer


    Cheap,pleasant and close to the museum La Piscine Perfect location next to train and tube station. Management really nice and speak a good English.

  • Ian Henderson

    Ian Henderson


    The welcome was tremendous and we enjoyed the breakfast. The location provides good transport options. The area is not first class, but is in the process of being redeveloped. The rooms are very quiet.

  • Brian Tang

    Brian Tang


    Really friendly staff, and good clean budget accommodation. I was there for the Paris Roubaix, and they didn't mind me bringing my bike up to my room. Excellent showers and comfy beds- the only real downside was the lack of tea and coffee making facilities.

Lodging la plus proche

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