B&B Hortensia i Ieper

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BelgienB&B Hortensia



🕗 åbningstider

196, Rijselstraat, 8900, Ieper, West-Vlaanderen, BE België
kontakter telefon: +32 473 84 84 07
internet side: www.bbhortensia.be
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.8451871, Longitude: 2.8905544

kommentar 5

  • en

    Robyn Regan


    We went to stay in 2005 and I still talk about the amazing time we had there. Andre was so kind to us when my husband got sick. If you are doing the battlefield tour it is in the perfect location to the museum and Menin Gate. The restaurants are all walking distance too.

  • Don Keek

    Don Keek


    Prima b&b. Mooie kamers, goede bedden lekker ontbijt en hele vriendelijke eigenaars. Top! Aanrader

  • en

    Lesley Williams


    Great hospitality and location within walking distance of most Ypres attractions, dining and Menin Gate.

  • Bruno Van Leuvenhaege

    Bruno Van Leuvenhaege


    Alles in orde. Niet de hoogste klasse, maar alles netjes Vooral de vriendelijkheid en het onthaal! Top!

  • en

    Bob Lansom


    Great breakfast and lovely clean bedrooms. Extremely friendly, welcoming and helpful hosts. Not far from the City Centre. The perfect base for exploring the region.

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