B&B Guesthouse Begijnhof de Leuven

BelgiqueB&B Guesthouse Begijnhof


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

97, Schapenstraat, 3000, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 16 84 77 58
site web: www.guesthousebegijnhof.be
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8716459, Longitude: 4.6981029

commentaires 4

  • en

    Pieter Bomans


  • nl

    Dagbladhandel De Boekenbeer


  • urbain baumans

    urbain baumans


    Fijn onthaal, 9,5/10 voor deze B&B

  • Diana Edelman

    Diana Edelman


    This is a wonderful retreat in an old building that has been tastefully renovated. The guest rooms have been modernized but still retain high beamed ceilings and wooden floors alongside satellite TV, double-glazed windows, and a bathroom with a rainfall showerhead in the roomy shower. My room was quiet and faced the lovely back garden. The owner is a gracious host and very helpful. Breakfast included fresh fruit, cereals, cold meats, breads, pastries, juice, and eggs on offer, and the table settings use linen placemats and serviettes. The owner also is eco-conscious, with solar panels, a composting system and his own hens.

Lodging la plus proche

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