Bâtiself Strassen de Strassen

BelgiqueBâtiself Strassen



🕗 horaire

2, Route d'Arlon, 8008, Strassen, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 45 08 31 1
site web: www.batiself.lu
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.617105, Longitude: 6.094743

commentaires 5

  • Qiang Chen

    Qiang Chen


    This shop is great having lots of decoration, renovation stuff. The only problem is that there are only few English-speaking shopping guide. Luckily when I did my shopping there, I had a very nice English-speaking guide to help me. Very thankful.

  • James Schill

    James Schill


    I left a wallet at the store by accident. Went back a couple hours later and it was in the information Department. They are very honest caring staff.

  • Dmitrii Rogozin

    Dmitrii Rogozin


    Great service, stuff friendly and speaks English.

  • Tamara Bintener

    Tamara Bintener


    Great if you are planning some do-it-yourself projects. Staff is usually friendly and keen to help you find what you need. However, the layout has changed a lot over the last years, it might be difficult to find something yourself.

  • Angelo Torquati

    Angelo Torquati


    One of the greatest do-it-yourself center in Luxembourg on the main road to Belgium. Fair prices and huge choice. There is an adjacent mall with a restaurant, a furniture shop and an hairdresser among other things.

Maison du monde la plus proche

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