B & B Lavan in Leuven

BelgiëB & B Lavan



🕗 openingstijden

62, Celestijnenlaan, 3001, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgia
contacten telefoon: +32 16 43 58 38
website: www.lavan.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8685642, Longitude: 4.6774742

opmerkingen 5

  • Olivier Collard

    Olivier Collard


    Goede prijs / kwaliteit. Top hotel!

  • en

    U P.


    It's a bed and breakfast. A cab from here to Brussels airport will cost you between 50 - 60 euros. The only reason I stay here is it's close proximity to a business entity that is located only 5 minutes (walk) from it. But if you want to explore Leuven City, you might be better off finding something closer to the city center. The other option ofcourse, is taking a bus which is literally a 30 second walk from this B and B. Also, please note that the grocery place nearby only accepts cash and is 25 minute walk!! And for dinner, if it's raining outside, you'll be better off ordering pizza delivery. (Pizza hut does not deliver here, but dominoes Pizza does... but Domino's does not have a website in English, so you'll have to call them).

  • nl

    Olivier Collard


    Zeer goede sfeer. Correcte prijs. Prima locatie. Proper

  • Sanne Mouha

    Sanne Mouha


    Prijs-kwaliteitverhouding kan echt beter. Het gaf een erg 'keten' gevoel. Wel duidelijke poging tot gezelligheid en de douche was echt cool. We werden ook nog vrij laat binnengelaten, wat echt wordt geapprecieerd!

  • Daniel Boyle

    Daniel Boyle


    Great place to stay! Myself and a friend stayed here for the rock werchter festival. The owner was super awesome and gave us loads of help with information about the town and to get around along with anything else we needed.

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