Avis Autoverhuur Mechelen in Mechelen

BelgiëAvis Autoverhuur Mechelen



🕗 openingstijden

374, Battelsesteenweg, 2800, Mechelen, Antwerpen, BE België
contacten telefoon: +32 15 63 73 56
website: www.avis.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.033965, Longitude: 4.4566811

opmerkingen 5

  • fr

    Alassane Niang


  • Lieve Geivaerts

    Lieve Geivaerts


  • Amit Jain

    Amit Jain


    Fraud..!!Cheater..!! The Avis center in Mechelen is Fraud. The person running the petrol pump and Avis service is a cheater. I booked a car for 17 days Fiat Tipo, although it was available he said he has to return so he cannot give which I understand was clear lie. Then he offer me Peugeot 308 and 508 both were in awful condition. It was dirty and smelling from inside and outside as well. I asked him to change the car. He denied saying this are the only cars available and they have just arrived and there is no other option but can cancel the deal. As I was in need of car I have to take the car 308. The car has lot of marking and accident and he marked it randomly on paper. When I asked him to put it correctly he said don't worry I have to anyways repair it. I have opt from drop off option on Sunday so there is facility to put car and keys and there was no one inspection. Next day morning I received a bill of 326 Euro saying that the damage was done by me. I raised to Avis but they took their sweet time and finally closed case saying it was my fault and as per their policy if I choose to drop off then it is my responsibility in case any damage happen to car until they check in. I have asked them to call me in person along with that person but they didn't do that. Never ever take any car from him. Avis guys blatantly rejected my request.Disappointed!!!

  • Bruno Letor

    Bruno Letor


    vriendelijke service

  • Pret Fles

    Pret Fles


Autoverhuur in de buurt

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