Aux Merveilleux De Fred Bruges de Brugge

BelgiqueAux Merveilleux De Fred Bruges



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3A, Eiermarkt, 8000, Brugge, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 50 61 39 05
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.2091536, Longitude: 3.222885

commentaires 5

  • Jyrki Puttonen

    Jyrki Puttonen


    Great location just outside of Markt, nice view to street. Tea room is in upstairs.

  • Eat Cookies WBTS

    Eat Cookies WBTS


    Very nice place for a sit in, the coffee was amazing and the cakes were very delicious! Was very sad when they closed the next day because they had a day off!

  • Wannie Michelmann

    Wannie Michelmann


    Beautiful place. The chandelier occupies more than half the space but that's what's attractive about it

  • Gathering Dreams

    Gathering Dreams


    What a treat! A Merveilleux (meaning ‘Marvelous’) is a small cake that originated in Belgium. It’s a heavenly meringue biscuit topped with tempting whipped cream and dusted with many divine toppings. We tried the Magnifique: a base of meringue, with praline whipped cream coated with almond chips and caramelized hazelnuts. So delightful! Aux Merveilleux de Fred have so many to try!

  • Jessica Horton

    Jessica Horton


    The Aux Merveilleux Fred in Bruges is nothing but a tourist trap. The quality of food is not even half as decent as their branch in Brussels. The worst part of our experience here was the fact that we decided to eat in. There is table service for ordering your food, but to pay you must go to the one till in the front of the store and join the long line of people ordering take away. Either have two tills; one for eating in and one for eating out OR let your customers pay at their tables. It was an uncomfortable experience to say the least.

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