Autokeuring Antwerp Noorderlaan de Antwerpen

BelgiqueAutokeuring Antwerp Noorderlaan



🕗 horaire

36, Noorderlaan, 2060, Antwerpen, Antwerpen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 14 57 86 00
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.2364006, Longitude: 4.4219216

commentaires 5

  • Frederick Vercammen

    Frederick Vercammen


    Nothing special here.

  • Thwalfkar alkhfaje

    Thwalfkar alkhfaje



  • Peter A

    Peter A


    Extremely bad service. Waiting lines are absurdly long. Making an appointment doesn't help at all because you have to call a toll line with very long waiting times. You will end up standing outside in the rain, snow or whatever weather it is, without any indication of the waiting time. Welcome back to the sixties. The road to the station is in very bad condition ( it actually damaged my car tires ) and it's covered with mud. It feels like you ended up in some surreal science fiction movie on a filthy construction site. The station's personnel all looks to suffer from a burn out, behaving like they simply couldn't care less, arrogantly treating customers like the are a nuisance. It is really time to change this crappy system. Car check ups should be done by a professional dealer, not by a bunch of unprofessional guys with a burnout and no real concern for your car. Unfortunately the situation is just as bad at the other locations, so you don't really have any choice...

  • en

    Faisal Shahzad


    Can improve service if they try

  • Michael iongbloed

    Michael iongbloed


    Been there a few times and I have to say that they work quit fast and they are friendly. Make an appointment online to be faster.

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