Audi D'Ieteren Mail de Ixelles

BelgiqueAudi D'Ieteren Mail



🕗 horaire

143, Rue Américaine, 1050, Ixelles, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 536 55 11
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.822444, Longitude: 4.361338

commentaires 5

  • Eva Champagne

    Eva Champagne


    Audi garage with zero customer centricity . Avoid. Omg. They just got worse. Find another Audi dealer, as these guys ..

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    Jean Dorsimond


    Very bad experience! I had to go to 3 times to get a quote for panel beating repair because they forgot to take pictures. Then the repair was supposed to take 3 days, it took 8 days - 8 because otherwise I was going to take the replacement vehicle on holidays the next day -. While the car was at the garage I asked to update the GPS. They misunderstood and did something else I did not ask. It had to be done at the last minute and I had to cal 3 times and insist. The guy on the phone was very unpleasant and said they may not find time in which I said then do not order the update. Miraculously they found the time to do it. I picked up the car and a stop light bulb was broken. They said they needed to do a fiche of repair and it is going to take minimum 1 hour. 1 hour to change a bloody bulb! Hopeless service! Never ever again. Next leasing with anyone but D'ieteren!

  • da Luz Duque Thomas

    da Luz Duque Thomas


    Friendly staff. Nice cars and amazing collection in the gallery.

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    Exorbitant prices. Supposedly fixed my car and before I got out of the building the problem came back. Immediately showed it to them but refused to refund the money that I paid for not fixing my car. Very bad customer service. Do not recommend them.

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    Julian Gilliam


    Been there to get my Audi fixed. I was charged an hour for the repair. I was happy because I was told it was a complicated repair which required to dismantle the whole dashboard. Few months later, someone tells me the repair takes 5 minutes. I called them, they acknowledged and said that this was a standard pricing. An hour for what they recognized is a 3 minutes repair! So initially they lied to me to justify the price and the invoice was wrongfully displaying one hour labour cost. Of course they didn't pay me back the difference. We definitely cannot rely on these people!

Réparation automobile la plus proche

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