AubergInn de Tessenderlo




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39, Diesterstraat, 3980, Tessenderlo, Limburg, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 13 78 18 20
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0657398, Longitude: 5.0883479

commentaires 5

  • Dina Reimann

    Dina Reimann


    Amazing - very nice people

  • Michael Grimm

    Michael Grimm


    A really perfect stay. Beautiful suits and a delicious breakfast

  • Isabelle Duval

    Isabelle Duval


    Perfect bed & breakfast, beautiful rooms and excellent breakfast ! Fabienne is a lovely host and make you feel at home.

  • Kerr Glen

    Kerr Glen


    Very friendly people. Rooms are amazing, big, modern and very comfortable. Especially the top floor. Free Internet. Excellent breakfast. Only down side is no evening meals. For anyone looking for a place to stay in this area then this is the place to be. If this were a hotel it would be 5 stars.

  • en

    A Google User


    My brother and I stayed here and wished we could have stayed longer. The rooms were very large and beautiful. The owners were extremely nice and the food was wonderful also! There are limited spaces to stay in this area but this would be at the very top no matter where you were.

Lodging la plus proche

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