Astoria Hotel Gent in Gent

BelgiëAstoria Hotel Gent



🕗 openingstijden

39, Achilles Musschestraat, 9000, Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 9 222 84 13
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.033426, Longitude: 3.717166

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Tony Batten


    Lovely place to stay. The staff and owners could not do more to make you feel welcome. Only a few minutes walk to the tram stop and train station.

  • en

    Mike Piqeur


    Very nice people. Rooms ok. Service good

  • Alexei Godek

    Alexei Godek


    It's ok, they are trying hard. My room was a little strange but more than adequate. Breakfast was super strange and watching people come in and seeing the look on their faces once they saw what was on offer for breakfast was kinda priceless. As I said they are trying they just haven't quite got it perfect but who has

  • en

    Gill Bray


    Excellent hospitality and a great location for the station and all the sights. The rooms are clean, comfortable and well appointed and it has a delicious and varied buffet breakfast which rivals much bigger 5* hotels. We wouldn't stay anywhere else in Gent.

  • Maheshini Govender

    Maheshini Govender


    A beautiful hotel situated close to the train station. The staff are friendly and helpful and speak many different languages, including English. Guides of the city are also provided on arrival. The rooms are neat and clean and extremely comfortable. The breakfast area has a beautiful view of the garden. Will definitely use this hotel again in future. Free WiFi is also provided at the hotel.

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