Asian Empire Hotel de Kuurne

BelgiqueAsian Empire Hotel


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379, Brugsesteenweg, 8520, Kuurne, West-Vlaanderen, BE België
contact téléphone: +32 56 29 82 52
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8666028, Longitude: 3.2710871

commentaires 5

  • MR. S

    MR. S


    like some one here already said its not Ritz. but for the money it was a very nice choice. everything was clean. I did not found any problem. and I did not ear any noise. the person of the reception was nice to my demands. and I can say I'm a hard demanding guy. quiet place. well I only don't give it 5 because of 2 things. one, they do not have a place to smoke inside. I had go outside, but no big problem as well. the second thing was the building needs a little attention in the construction part but nothing that can create a problem I almost did not noticed... I noticed that people that were there left in the morning and they left dirt on the floor. but the hotel has no fault in that, it was guy or girl with no sense of hygiene. people in the city's around are not very friendly I did not felt good. but well this happens in many places in the world...

  • en

    sam evans best super mid/ lighthev ever


    Gave it 1 star due to not being able to score lower. Dirty rooms and furniture bought from a car boot sale. The only positive note is the guy serving was kind and helfull.... prob due to the fact he is taking 50 euros 4 a night in a box full of fleas n fetal matter.

  • nl

    Torni Takanashi


    Goede ontvangst

  • en

    Andy Lodge


    Needs refurbishment but did provide a quiet nights sleep it needs better TVs clean curtains which had suspicious staining on. There appeared to be only one member off staff helpful guy to offered to book me In after normal closing time. When I showered water was rusty for first 5 Mins. Not my first choice or hotel for the price charged

  • nl

    Peter Koelewijn



Lodging la plus proche

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