Art Of Einstein de Diest

BelgiqueArt Of Einstein


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45, Asdonkstraat, 3294, Diest, Vlaams-Brabant, BE België
contact téléphone: +32 473 53 47 74
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0173915, Longitude: 5.0479814

commentaires 3

  • nl

    Suzy De Caluwe


    Mooie gelegenheid om feestjes te geven

  • nl

    Wim De Block


  • Bob Eckert

    Bob Eckert


    A Fabulous Flemish Farm! Tucked away off at the end of a gravel road sits the most perfect little hideaway. Ideally suited for rest and relaxation. The bed was soft and inviting, the sheets smooth and comfortable. The rainfall shower gentlywashes stress away. Also there is peppy Internet (>25Mbps) included! Watch the horses play in the neighboring fields, take a walk on the trails that the host has mapped for your convenience, or just sit outside with a coffee or beer on the provided patio. An updated kitchen with all the standard equipment awaits your culinary expertise. If you want a getaway, this is more than the ideal space. I am looking forward to my next visit already.

Lodging la plus proche

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