Argo de Oostende



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54, Kapucijnenstraat, 8400, Oostende, West-Vlaanderen, BE België
contact téléphone: +32 59 70 41 48
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.2346535, Longitude: 2.917263

commentaires 1

  • en

    Carlos Perez Sola


    This hotel and its reception spoiled our holidays the last August in the Belgium Coast. I had booked a double room for a weekend, when we arrived there the recepcionist told us that we had to wait for two or three hours to can access to our room (reception treated us really badly), so we left our suticases there and we waited until 16.00h. After three hours they told us that it was impossible to access our room because they had overbooking and literally they threw us out of the hotel. It was peak season so was impossible to find any other place to book a room. We had to come back to our home, of course, they returned me the money, but I lost another books which had done (Krustram, trains, etc). I spoke that day with another people in the same situation than me, so this hotel does these type of things with their clients often. If you don´t want to spoil your holidays, don´t book in this hotel or in Alpha hotel, both are the same owner.

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