Aquarium-Museum in Liège




🕗 openingstijden

22, Quai Edouard Van Beneden, 4020, Liège, Liège, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 4 366 50 21
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.6387832, Longitude: 5.5788212

opmerkingen 5

  • Arnaud Bellen

    Arnaud Bellen


    Lovely place to spare time with a little one to make it dream and see blue live

  • Titus V

    Titus V


    A really nice museum with a large aquarium and thousands of animals. The feel of the museum is awesome... It's like being thrown back into time... In a good way! Absolutely recommended with children! Low entry fee.

  • en

    luke rasch


    Very nice combination of things Aquarium, preserved animal and a Small Science Museum good place for family and kids.

  • en

    Robin Twickler


    Unexpectedly a really nice museum, a good alternative for a rainy day. There were some really odd fishes and the exposed bones were also really interesting. The signs were mostly french, which was the only downside to the museum, since the website clearly stated it had signs in 3 languages. But for the rest, had a surprisingly great time

  • SaraBackpacker



    The museum itself is very cool, but the aquarium is not really my thing. I don't like to see animals in a cage (I'm not a zoo person either)

Aquarium in de buurt

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